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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Batman Musical Story 45s and Jackets from Synthetic Plastics (1966)

BT 96 - Batman Record - Front CoverA long time ago, I stumbled on a Robin 45 RPM sleeve and record in a store that I had never seen or heard of before, and I tucked it away for the future. A few years later, I saw another one of these Robin 45s, but it had the wrong 45 inside -- the Batman counterpart. Well, to make a long story short, I basically forgot about them, found them recently when I moved, and started looking for the rest of the collection.  Thanks to eBay, I found the whole set and was able to procure them for a modest fee. Little did I know that these ten songs had later been released on LP and was completely downloadable online -- if you'd like to listen to these songs, find the full download link at Way Out Stuff. They are classic, but definitely kid-centric.

And so, here are the full images of the jackets, front sides first and then the back (blank with no information). I've also added the 45s themselves. Be sure to use the full-screen option for these hi-resolution scans, and click-through for full-sized images (jackets and records).

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